PhD is lecturer at Tallinn University. Teaching subjects like Mathematical Analysis, Basic Mathematics for Science, Foundations of Set Theory and Logic, Introduction to Calculus, Work Placement. Study program (Mathematics, Mathematical Economics and Data Analysis) administrator. Member of different projects associated with teaching/learning process, in particular with developing e materials for upper secondary schools, vocational education institutions and universities. Participated in several conferences and network meetings with different Erasmus programs.

Tatjana Tamberg, PhD is lecturer at Tallinn University, since 1996, teaching courses of Algebra (Linear-, Polynomial- , General- ), Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Programming, Descriptive Geometry. Research focus at Group Theory (General Mathematics).”


Jüri Kurvits has been a lecturer in mathematics didactics at Tallinn University since 2007. Jüri has taught higher mathematics subjects and mathematics didactics subjects to future mathematics teachers. Currently, he is the head of the mathematics teacher education program. Jüri has led numerous projects involving the creation of interactive web-based learning materials.
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