
A comprehensive review on OER in the
framework of the ERASMUS+ project

Gate2Math, henceforth the project, is an ERASMUS+ project, entitled “Open multilingual smart
library for mathematical resources supporting efficient learning” granted by the European Union
Commission, under the 2022 Call of the Partnerships for Cooperation (Key Action 2) and
identified as 2022-1-EE01-KA220-HED-000089461.

The main objective of the project is to implement and put into service for the international
educational community an efficient Gate2Math smart library for the optimal selection of open
and multilingual (7 different languages) educational resources (OER) in the field of mathematics
teaching in the context of engineering

In accordance with the previous aims, this document is the output of the research work done by
the Gate2Math consortium in WP3/A2 activity and it is structured as follows. Chapter 1
collects the main definitions and concepts related to OER, in order to base the subsequent work.
In Chapter 2 national regulations on OER standardization and use will be described. OER
classification, including description and learning objectives, can be found in Chapter 3. Chapter 4
deals with the state of the art and a comparative analysis on OER assessment methodologies, the
definition of the KPIs for OER quality assessment and a comprehensive rubric for OER assessment
will be performed. A final Chapter 5 reviews the OER movements and the OER developing groups
across the world. In order each section to be self contained, links to the sources of information
are included along the text and the References section is located at the end of each chapter. The
report ends with a discussion and conclusion section.


Output Document

Annex A

Annex B

OER Assesment Manual

Gate2Math© 2022

Some photos are from Pexels image bank with Creative Commons license CC0